Image of healthy foods, prescription injection, medication, and overweight individuals.

Best Practices in the Evidence-Based Treatment of Obesity

Ended Nov 12, 2024

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Full course description

The prevalence of obesity has increased to pandemic proportions, and more healthcare providers are needed to combat this complex, progressive, chronic, and relapsing disease. Obesity is associated with or increases the risk of over 230 conditions, including hypertension, diabetes, stroke, cancer, heart disease, and more. New pharmacological agents are proving to be game changers in the evidence-based treatment of obesity...and even more effective molecules are in the pipeline. This course will provide the "basics" for improving the evidence-based treatment of obesity.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the session, the learner will

  1. Understand the basic pathophysiology, prevalence, and impact of obesity.
  2. Examine the current evidence-based guidelines and recommendations for treating obesity
  3. Describe the primary pillars for treating obesity: nutrition, behavioral health, physical activity, and pharmacological interventions
  4. Discuss weight stigma and bias in healthcare